
The ObjectFiller is able to detect circulare references. You can configure the ObjectFiller to ignore the circular references or throw an exception when a circular reference occurs. By default ObjectFiller.NET stops creating new instances in a circular reference after one loop and leave the property null.

In the following example the class "Parent" has a List<Children> and the class Children has a again a Parent - this is called a circular reference.

The ObjectFiller.NET detects that and doesn't fill the circular object anymore!
When .Setup().OnCircularReference().ThrowException(true); with the true flag is called, ObjectFiller will raise an exception instead of just ignore the circular reference.

public class Children
  public Parent Parent { get; set; }

public class Parent
  public List<Children> Childrens { get; set; }

public class HelloFiller
  public void FillPerson()
    Filler<Parent> pFiller = new Filler<Parent>();

    Parent filledParent = pFiller.Create();